Men's Ministry Ministries are continually offered during the year to help men grow in their Christian walk, grow in relationships, and to provide opportunities for ministering to others. These opportunities may include hands-on mission projects, fellowship breakfasts, men’s discipleship studies, golf tournaments and sportsman’s ministry, and other special events. For more information check the eCalendar, contact the church office, or email Bob Bullin, at [email protected]
Women's Ministry This program provides women with the opportunities for mutual encouragement in Christian living and an exciting way to reach out to those who don't yet know Christ. During the year the Women’s Ministry offers a number of opportunities to develop friendships, share fellowship and grow in Christ. Activities include: Bible Studies, MOPS, and other special events. For more information contact our Ladies Ministry Team at [email protected] or check the Calendar.
Ladies Bible Study At selected times the Ladies Bible Study meets involving women of any age, single or married. Together they fellowship around God's Word, studying its truths and applying it to daily living.