With a vision of a new church in Randolph County, 24 charter members met for worship for the very first time on May 31, 1978 and Cross Road Baptist Church became a reality. On Sunday, June 4, the first Sunday of the new ministry, 65 were in attendance. In the early days of CRBC, the church met in the old VFW building until September 1979 when the present sanctuary was constructed. In 1982, the church the Cross Road Retirement Center was originated and construction began in 1983. On November 21, 1983 the first residents moved in and CRRC began a rich heritage of ministry. In 1992 a new Christian Life Center was dedicated and is continually used for ministry and community activities.
However, the dream of CRBC goes far beyond buildings. Cross Road Baptist Church was established to bring a message of hope through sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Our dream and vision is to be an evangelistic, multi-faceted ministry and missions-minded church that shares the gospel in our community, our nation, and around the world. Our shared goal is to impact others with the life-changing principles of God's Word. We are dedicated to meeting vital needs through caring ministry while helping people find abundant life in Jesus Christ.
The name of the church was taken from Matthew 16:24 where Jesus told his disciples, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." The theme of CRBC is "The Church that Cares" and our song is "Victory in Jesus." When you join us for worship, you will notice a glass cross behind the pulpit that allows natural sunlight to shine through, making it a beautiful red. As we view the cross illuminated by the sun, we are constantly reminded of God's gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus, and His sustaining power. It is our desire that Cross Road Baptist Church will continue to be a "beacon of light on the mountain."
We offer ministries to touch the lives of people of all ages and backgrounds. There is something for everybody at CRBC, and everyone is welcome! We are committed to sharing quality friendship and fellowship with every individual. Come and be a part of the great adventure of following Jesus!